What is Brenda Tracy’s ethnicity? The activist’s mixed race upbringing

Brenda Tracy

Brenda Tracy has accused Michigan State football coach Mel Tucker of sexual harassment. Tracy, a prominent activist, claimed Tucker made unwelcome sexual comments and masturbated while on a phone call with her. She said she didn’t expect her name to leak after sharing documents about the investigation into Tucker with USA Today. 

Brenda Tracy is of mixed ethnicity; she was raised in Oregon by her mother

Brenda Tracy was born in 1973 to Joe Tracy and Deanna Walters. She grew up in Oregon and is of mixed ethnicity.

Deanna worked in the insurance industry as an account manager. Reports state that Deanna married Joseph Walters after Brenda’s birth. Tracy and her stepfather, Joseph, have a close relationship. 

Tracy told The Oregonian that, at age 9, she was raped by a local but kept the incident from her parents for four years. “I believe I was angry,” Deanna said. “I was not angry at Brenda at all. I was angry that it happened.”

Deanna reported the incident and got an unexpected response. Citing the expiry of the three-year statute of limitations, the authorities said they wouldn’t investigate the alleged rape. “I was very angry because it was like – somebody raped my daughter and nothing happened?” Deanna said. “I couldn’t protect my daughter, and there’s nothing legally I could do about it.”